About Us

Welcome to ICSM

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The ICSM- Varanasi, was established under Society Act No. 21 of Yr. 1860 passed by U.P. Legislature and assented to by the Govt of U.P.(India) Since 2004. It is named Institute of Computer Sciences and Management-Varanasi(Unit of Society of Computer Sciences and Management Chitaipur Chunar road Kandawa Varanasi).

The Institute plans to provide access to higher education for large segments of population and, in particular, disadvantaged groups such as those living in remote and rural areas including working people, homemakers and other adults who wish to upgrade or acquire knowledge through studies. It will also make efforts to promote acquisition of knowledge in a rapidly developing and changing society and continually offer opportunity for upgrading knowledge, training and skills in the context or innovations, research and discovery in all fields of human endeavor.

Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it. We had a dream. And we have managed to live that dream with the inception of ICSM. It gives me immense pleasure in welcoming you to one of the finest research-led, technology powered, 21st century Institute of India. It has everything a student looks for in a world-class Institute. We consistently endeavour to transform every student into a future-ready professional of tomorrow. Come; be a part of this education revolution and embark on the journey to excellence.

Wishing you the very best

Anand Kumar Gupta
(Founder Chairman)

|| मन की अभिलाषा ||

|| उस परमपिता परमेश्वर को कोटि-कोटि शीश नमन करता हूँ, जिसने सूरज, चाँद, तारे, जीव-जन्तु एवं सम्पूर्ण ब्रह्माण्ड को बनाया है, एवं उसका संचालन करता है। आपसे एक छोटी सी कृपा एवं दया दृष्टि की अभिलाषा है कि आपने जो सकारात्मक ऊर्जा एवं सत्कर्म का सृजन मेरे अंदर किया है |वह सत्कर्म इस शिक्षा मन्दिर में आने वाले समस्त दु:ख से पीड़ित प्राणियों में समाहित होवें, जिससे उनके अन्दर व्याप्त सम्पूर्ण अवगुणों से मुक्त एवं सम्पूर्ण सद्गुणों से युक्त होवें।||

|| Recognized Courses By ||
  • U.P.Rajarshi Tandon Open University, Prayagraj. (Distance Courses).
  • Swami Vivekanand Subharati University, Meerut. (Distance Courses).
  • JS University (Regular Mode)
  • Himalayan Garhwal University (Regular Mode)
  • FS University (Regular Mode)
  • NIELIT/DOEACC, New Delhi.